- Publisher : Global East-West (London) (January 16, 2025)
- Language : English
- Hardcover : 320 pages
- Paperback : 320 pages
- Ebook
*”Shadows of Empire”* by Hichem Karoui offers a compelling post-colonial analysis of the Gulf, delving into its colonial past, cultural exchanges, resistance movements, and the intricate challenges of nation-building within a globalised context.
Key Takeaways:
– This book presents a detailed post-colonial analysis of the Gulf region, investigating the interplay of colonialism with state development, cultural dynamics, and global processes.
– Employing qualitative methodologies, including documentary and ethnographic research along with life histories and oral narratives, the study reconstructs a sociology of historical accounts.
– It highlights the influence of geography on historical events, illustrating how geographic factors shaped livelihoods, conquests, and cultural evolution.
– The narrative examines pivotal historical figures and events, focusing on influential leaders and transformational moments that redefined the region.
– Key terms such as colonisation, imperialism, nationalism, globalisation, sovereignty, and decolonisation are clearly defined, providing a solid framework for understanding historical processes.
– The book is meticulously organised, guiding readers through the region’s trajectory from colonial rule to independence and beyond, covering themes like colonial legacies, border formations, cultural exchanges, economic shifts, and resistance efforts.
– In conclusion, the analysis evaluates the enduring impacts of empire and the complexities of nation-building in a post-colonial milieu, linking historical trajectories to contemporary realities.
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